Grass pavers are an eco-friendly option with which garden keepers can treat water as a resource, value the soil, preserve existing plants and conserve materials. Grass pavers, also known as turf block pavers or grow-through pavers are an alternative to asphalt, concrete, and traditional pavers. They’re made of concrete with open cells that allow grass to grow through them. They’re a porous, eco-friendly option for driveways and parking areas.

Grass Pavers are hollow, honeycomb-shaped grid systems, which are laid over gravel, sand and/or top soil bases. Once in place, fast-growing grass seeds or sod are planted in the grid openings. Over time, the grass fills in and results in turf covered pavements. The open grid system not only stabilizes the shallow plant roots, but also allows air and water to pass through and become absorbed into the ground underneath.

Advantages of using Grass Pavers:

  • Reduces stormwater runoff, one of the biggest sources of water pollution

  • Grass pavers recharge groundwater.

  • The grass and soil in your grow-through pavers will filter out the pollutants, so the water that returns to the earth is clean.

  • Porous pavers keep the air around the laid area cooler.

  • Eco-friendly or Earth Friendly Solution as it helps subside top soil erosion.

  • Esthetically enhance the look and feel of laid area.



  • Available Thickness: 60 MM

  • Available Size: 300 x 450 x 60 MM


  • Available Thickness: 60 MM
  • Available Size: 250 x 250 MM

Application of Grass Pavers:

Parking LotsDrivewaysWalkwaysErosion ControlGolf Cart PathsDrainage ChannelsGardenParks

Application of Grass Pavers:

Parking LotsDrivewaysWalkwaysErosion ControlGolf Cart PathsDrainage ChannelsGardenParks